Dear Alexei Barrionuevo,
I need to speak with you...
It's important...
Do you know what it is?
Take a look:
Have you heard about the young Joanna?
Joanna Cardoso Marcenal Marins...
This five-year old child was murdered after being tortured like in a medieval way...
It was an act of monsters...
Well, you should be thinking that a sick maniac must have hijacked the child to molest her most likely in a personal vengeance against her parents, correct?
Well, it was more or less like that, but...
The insane maniac is nobody else than the girl's own father...
This has been proved by the testimonial of the girls's nanny, and also by the police forensic officers and...
Guess what, Alexei, the torture was confirmed by the father himself...
Yes, Alexei Barrionuevo...
The father - it's important to point out that the biological father is called André Rodrigues Marins...
This despicable human being shameless admitted, in his own vague words, that he did tie up the child's feet and hands and let her lying on top of her own feces and urine...
It's something utterly outrageous that has shocked our souls from top to bottom...
Do you think this man has been arrested, Alexei Barrionuevo??
Since he and some of his relatives work at the Office of Justice, he is still free - arrogantly and confidently walking around (as if nothing had happened).
Moreover, apparently he is still taking classes at the Magistrate School of the Tribunal of Justice in Rio de Janeiro, as he is pursuing a career as a Trial Court Judge...
Yes, Alexei Barrionuevo, this disgusting individual continues to live his life making it look as if he had simply run over a simple pigeon in the middle of Presidente Antonio Carlos Ave., or had simply crushed a roach in the coffee room of EMERJ...
Perhaps motivated by the always highly submissive brazilian media, André Marins has been treated with a great deal of respect and reserve - treatment commonly given to people belonging to the elite.
Whoever talks about him is treated like a bandit and is threatened to be sued by him...
Going against all legal principles that guarantee protection to witnesses, André Marins threatened the aforementioned nanny when he gave an interview in national television...
Because of this he should have been arrested immediately, but he was not...
Although André Marins' personal life has become chaos - cornered by a society that's outraged by all this - he is still living his life and has not been prosecuted...
You must be asking, dear Alexei: so what? what do I have to do with all this?
It's a good question...
It's a great question...
I am sending you this message because this case has all the ingredients one needs to unveil the inner machinery behind the brazilian legal system.
Politics, traffic of influence, a despicable crime, rejection, vengeance, a monstrous crime, lack of punishment...
It's possible to write a Treatise or a Doctoral Dissertation...
Also, it's possible to write an article that I believe is worth a Pulitzer Prize...
You don't even need to spend much energy...
You can find all about this crime in my blog...
Just sit in front of the computer and read it...
And translate it...
Everything is there, even copies of the forensic reports....
I will give away all the copyrights of everything I have researched so far...
Everything is yours...
As a correspondent you will have to check the sources.
No problem...
I will send you the contact info of all the people involved...
Isabella Nardoni was murdered by her biological father and by her step-mother simply because she looked very much like her biological mother...
Joanna Marcenal's case is the same - the motivation for her assassination is exactly the same - this is revolting...
I firmly believe that the international attention that the NYT can give is the only way to prevent that other tragedies like these will ever happen again...
Thank you!
I will be waiting...
Jorge Schweitzer
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